Green Artificial Christmas Trees: All Your Santa Questions Answered

white ball on the tree

Why Choose a Green Artificial Christmas Tree?

For those with kids, while you may be focused on getting your green artificial Christmas trees up and looking gorgeous, your kids are probably more focused on Santa. After all, for kids, it is not how great the green artificial Christmas trees look, they are more worried about what is going on under these trees! This is to be expected, after all, remember when you were a child, and on Christmas Eve you hardly slept as you waited to see if Santa would put all that you asked for under your green artificial Christmas trees.

These days, thanks to Google, lots of kids have tons of questions about Santa. While years ago, we just accepted that Santa delivered toys to all the good little girls and boys, nowadays, kids ask a lot of questions. In honor of this, we have compiled a list of some common Santa questions that will ensure you are prepared for when they are asked.

The Many Styles and Sizes of Green Artificial Christmas Trees


1. Does Santa prefer real or green artificial Christmas trees? Santa prefers you go with artificial. After all, he is all about making the world a better place and if you were to be doing your part to make the world a bit greener, then that is even better!

2. What does Santa do during the summer? Believe it or not, Santa takes a vacation. He spends the majority of his time overseeing the elves and making sure all the boys and girls of the world are being good, so he deserves it. He usually goes to a location that is warm and where he can get some sun since he lives at the North Pole during the rest of the year.

3. Do Santa’s reindeer train throughout the year? Yes! They have to keep up with their stamina for Christmas Eve, so throughout the year, they train a lot like athletes train for their events.

4. Does Santa only eat milk and cookies? No! Mrs. Santa actually cooks him very nutritious meals throughout the year, he uses Christmas Eve as a time to give into this sweet tooth. And he loves all kinds of cookies and milk.

5. Will Santa leave presents even if you don’t have a chimney? Oh yes! Santa has become so accustomed to getting into homes without using a chimney that he is an old professional at this by now. No one needs to worry about whether your chimney is going to be an issue or not.

6. Does Santa bring elves with him at his stops? Yes! He needs the elf’s help with making sure the presents get put under green artificial Christmas trees in time for all the kids to wake up, and he needs to make sure that everything stays organized, so his elves help with that.

7. How does Santa keep watch on every kid everywhere? Well, the elves help a bit. But, they also have a huge snow globe that is going to show them any issues that may happen with kids everywhere.